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Doodle Bug

Doodle Bug
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Age: 15+ Months


  • Time with other 4-legged friends
  • Eating
  • Being the "lookout"

Pet Peeves

  • people chaining their dogs and never allowing them to move around!
  • people who neglect basic needs - food, water, shelter (love!)
  • lack of tolerance for (well behaved) pet companions


Doodle Bug (Doo, Bug, Doodles, Bugaboo, P-diddles, Dude)
Puppy from local Flea Market festival in July '09- 10 wks then. Was told he was part Jack Russel!?!?!
Sweeter than sweet, until he's not! very home-protective - my sister describes him as a "rabid badger"if he doesn't know you and tries to invade his space(s)!! Doodle is part of our 4 dog & 2 cat home. He's an alarmist barker! He gets his feelings hurt very easily

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