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Age: 3 Years


  • Playing in the Mountains
  • Riding in the truck and traveling
  • Chewing on his rawhide

Pet Peeves

  • Suspicious Noises
  • Suspicious People
  • Not being able to get out and play with the wildlife outside the truck our house


This is Cowboy he is a 25 lb full grown 3 year old. I got him at the SPCA when he was 2 months old but am unsure what breed he really is. His placard said terrier but thats very vague. Alot of people say he looks like a miniature version of a german shepherd, probobly because of his thick light colored undercoat he has. I think He's a min pin mix, but altogether whats important most is hes our cowboy. He is a smart little goober. He always goes with us everywhere from cali to oregon, the beach, and his favorite the mountains...he loves running and sniffing in the trees. He also absolutly LOVES snow. One of his best passtimes is when we go to the mountains and let him run beside us through all the logging roads and trails. He can run forever it seems and he LOVES it. He is our baby boy for life!